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What is "Shin Splints?"

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Wat is dit?
· “Shins” is inflammasie van die diep kuitspiere se aanhegting aan die onderbeen.
· Inflammasie is pyn, hitte, rooiheid, swelling en verminderde funksie van die geaffekteerde been.

Oorsake van “Shin splints”:
· Dat jy geneig is om meer aan die groottoon-kant van jou voet te loop of hardloop (oorpronasie);
· As jy ‘n biomeganiese (hoe jou bene aanmekaar geheg is) probleem het byvoorbeeld ‘knock-knees’.
· Verkeerde hardloopskoene.
· Verkeerde oefeningsoppervlakte (ongelyk; te hard ; te sag) ensomeer.
· Verkeerde oefeningsroetines
· Die diep kuitspiere wat baie styf is en veroorsaak dat hul aanhegting aan die “shin” begin losskeur.
· Dit veroorsaak die erge steekpyn wat ‘n mens kry as jy loop of hardloop.

Hoe gaan ons dit benader?
· Vir 3 tot 5 dae of totdat pyn minder is:
· Rus van oefening en besluit of jou skoene nie te oud is nie!!
· Ys elke 2 ure vir 10 minute oor seer area
· Drink anti-inflammatoriese pil 3x per dag (bv. Cataflam,Myprodol, Voltaren, Norflam T)
· Gaan vir behandeling by jou fisioterapeut
· Plak ‘n transact patch oor die area
· Wend Herbal Ice of Ice man aan oor die area
· GEEN Deep Heat nie!!
· Jou Fisioterapeut sal jou manier van loop analiseer:
· Wanneer mens te veel aan die binnekant van jou voet trap(oorpronasie) dan kan dit tot “shin splints” lei
· Die podiatris/ortotis maak ‘n spesiale innersole vir jou skoene wat baie help!!!
· Jou Fisioterapeut mag jou onderbeen met pleister plak om pyn te verlig.

Tibial Teno-periostitis (Shin Splints)

What is it?

· Shin splints is inflammation of the deep calve muscles’ attachment to the lower leg (tibia)
· Inflammation is pain, increased temperature, swelling and redness on the inside of the “shin”

Causes of this condition
· If you are prone to walk/run more on your big toe area of your foot (over pronation)
· If you have a biomechanical (alignment of your skeleton) problem for ect. knock-knees or bow legs (genum valgus/varus) or leg length differences
· Incorrect running shoes/boots
· Incorrect training methods
· Incorrect training surfaces (too hard/soft/uneven) ect.
· The tight deep calve muscles start to tear away from the shinbone(tibia) at the insertion of the muscle.
· This manifests as a sharp pain when walking and running
What is to be done?
Do the following for 3 to 5 days or until pain subsides:
· Rest from training and check your shoes.
· Ice with compression: Ice the injured area for 10 minutes . Do it every 2 hours.
· Drink 1 anti-inflammatory pill (voltaren/norflam t/cataflam/brufen) 3 times per day for 3-5 days.
· Put a transact patch over the area
· Apply Herbal Ice or Ice Man over the area
· Go for treatment at your physiotherapist
· Ask your physio to analyse your walking/running pattern
· When one overpronates it can cause your problem
· The podiatrist /orthotist will design a special innersole that you can insert into your shoes.
· Your physio may strap your lower leg to decrease pain.


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