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Growth Spurt Injuries

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Die toestand staan bekend as Sever’s Disease (hakke), Osgood-Schlatter Disease (knie) of Sinding-Larson Johannson Syndrome (onderkant van knieskyf).
Dit kom baie algemeen voor in laerskool kinders (ouderdom 9-14) agv bene wat baie vinnig groei in lengte en dan veroorsaak dat spiere en tendons (heg spier aan been) al hoe stywer word. Inflammasie/Osteochondritis (pyn,rooiheid,swelling) is die eindresultaat.
Hierdie tekens en simptome kan tot 2 jaar aan-en-af duur.
Intensiteit van aktiwiteite moet tydelik verminder word, totdat pyn afneem, veral enige plofkrag sporte soos bv hoogspring, verspring ens. ‘n Fisioterapeut sal die stywe spiere losmaak en ‘n doeltreffende strek en oefenprogram gee. Dit is nie altyd nodig om sport heeltemal te staak nie!! Alles hang af van die erns van die osteochondritis.
Die strekprogram moet tweemaal daagliks gevolg word. Ys op die pynlike area vir 10 minute elke 2 ure op ‘n slag kan ook baie help! Jou fisioterapeut sal ook jou biomeganika evalueer wat moontlik die probleem vererger.
This condition is known as Sever’s disease (heel), Osgood Schlatter (knee) or Sinding-Larsson Johanson (lower end of kneecap). It is very common amongst primary school children (aged 9-14) during growth spurts where muscles and tendons become very tight. This causes inflammation at the growth plate where the muscle inserts.. These symptoms usually last for 2 years.
Intensity of sport activity need to be decreased, especially with plyometric sports such as long jump and high jump, although it is not always necessary to quit all sport activities. A physiotherapist will loosen the muscles and give proper stretches and exercises . One can also ice the area for 10 minutes every 2 hours. Your physiotherapist will also assess your biomechanics as it can cause your problem.


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